mardi 5 juin 2012

Frames strengthening

This step was quite straightforward, with no major issue, except a little frame problem.

First, the two well decks have been glued in place. Be careful about their positioning, you might have to do some adjustments on the corrected bow frames.

Then, the two big planks that maintain the hull straight are glued in place on the frames, they come right against the planking of the aft well deck.

The small planks that will hold the two parts of the B deck are then glued in place on those planks, against the frames 9 and 15.

The last step was the strengthening of the frames9 and 12. They are doubled because the extremities of the hull planks will lie on them.

The task itself is quite easy, but it enlightened a little problem with frame 9 : as this frame is the last original frame before the corrected ones, it is now a little undersized. Instead of replacing the whole frame, I will wrap its edge with a 1.5mm plank, and sand it down to the correct shape. The problem is visible on the second photograph of this post.

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