I used spare wood I had in my cave. The base is a plank reinforced with two cleats to prevent it from bending. I also cut several square-like cleat parts that will hold the keel in place.
To screw them properly on the jig, I first screwed on a temporary straight cleat, and used it to screw the first row in place. Then, I removed the cleat and used a keel part to fit the second row at the correct spacing. Beware of a little trap here : mark the position of the frames before screwing on the holds!
The keel itself is divided into two parts, and two reinforcements are provided to assemble it.
Building the keel could seem quite easy and straightforward, but take care to obtain a perfect alignment, otherwise the whole hull could be twisted!
I used several heavy encyclopedia books to hod the keel in place while the glue was drying.
The keel fitted on the jig :