vendredi 27 avril 2012

Reception and unpacking

April 18th : Kit received!

I received the kit this morning, so it has been a very long day at work! Especially because another package arrived this morning too, containing RMS Titanic: A Modelmaker's Manual and Titanic in Photographs.

The package was well protected, so the kit box didn't suffer from the shipping.

First observation when opening the box : the impressive amount of documents... We will see later that despite this amount of paper, instructions are a bit messy, we have to constantly navigate through different plans, pictures and instructions just for a single step...

Other impressions? wood... lots of wood... and another surprise : a strange bundle of planks, too thin to thin and narrow for the hull... After some research, it appears that they will be used for the deck planking, instead of the pre-planked decks of the Hachette kit. More work, but it could prove very useful for eventual deck modifications.

We will also find lots of cast metal parts (vents, ... ) and some plastic parts (lifeboats).
They don't appear on the pictures, but there are also many photoetched parts.

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