mardi 31 juillet 2012

Central anchor well - Step 2

The last work sessions, few due to the holidays and other varioous things, were spent on the new central anchor well.

As I said in my previous post, the back I designed for the well did not satisfy me, so I built a new one which fits better.

This new bulkhead was assembled with the bottom of the well, and a top border. We can see below the new well dry-fitted on the bow, and with its anchor. I think the anchor is a little bit oversized, so I'll try to lessen this effect by sanding it a little and perhaps detailing it.

The next step will be spent on lateral bulkheads for this new well, and the fitting of the gratings. This task shall be quite easy because mibibrass had the nice idea to provide both a one-part grating and a three-part one (bow grating + 2 lateral gratings).

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