mercredi 4 juillet 2012

Well decks bulkheads - Fore C deck

Here come the last updates, it seems that my work rythm on Titanic tends to stabilize the blog's updates to weekly ones.

This week's work was focused on the fore C deck bulkheads. This deck needed more work than the aft one, because some of the bulkheads have to be altered. I should have modified some aft C deck bulkheads too, but as they are mostly hidden beneath the deck, I was not of real interest to do it.
For the fore C deck, one of the two recesses  (46/EFG) is far too deep, it has to be brought back to the same level as the other one (45/ABC).

The following image shows the parts used for those bulkheads, and the modifications :
  • Red letters show the correspondence and fitting of the parts.
  • Green dots show the portholes that have to be drilled into the bulkheads. Careful, some of those portholes are on the very edge of the plank, for A, D and G. It would be useful to assemble the bulkheads before drilling them out. In fact, I assembled all the wooden parts before drilling the portholes, it made some of them quite tricky.
  • Modifications are shown in blue. The blue-hashed parts are removed and will not be used. The wood part used to fill the 46 part comes from the recess of this part in the plank which it comes from, so it fits perfectly into the shape, you just have to make sure the outer edge is cut straight.
  • As you can see, the new E and G photo-etched parts are cut out from the original G part, so The original E part will not be used at all. We shall keep it, a spare gate might be useful later.
The following picture shows the assembled bulkheads, during the drilling phase. I just forgot to copy the finished pictures, so they'll come later.

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